I realize a blog is a kind of commitment and I have been slacking. But speaking of commitments, I have since become a wife to a fantastic and fun-loving man; he functions at the speed of a ferrari and I may never be able to keep up with him, he stays up late and he is difficult to get up in the mornings when it is time for work, and he has a carefree way of going through the day that I envy. I met him at the end of August in 2009, we got engaged in June of 2010, and tied the knot on October 15th of this year.
The wedding was a stressful time for my parents. I neglected my wedding planning duties until the last possible minute and it resulted in chaos. The wedding took place at my Great Uncle's house in a historic part of downtown San Antonio, TX and my parents singlehandedly set up and decorated through the night and it turned out beautifully; vintage umbrellas hung over the wedding party and guests and there was a popcorn machine and simple food. The cakes, on the other hand, were a little more difficult. My parents had been baking for a couple days and then the meringue buttercream icing wouldn't set the day of the wedding.
I am never late for anything - I make it a point to be on time. I was late for my own wedding. It took a little longer to get ready than anticipated. Our guests were very patient and my husband gave me a hard time since I spent the night before stressing the importance of being on time. Everything went beautifully and my grandfather and his bluegrass jam buddies played throughout the ceremony and reception. It was so wonderful to get to see our families together and enjoying the occasion as much as we did.
My husband and I are two very different people, but we love each other. We are in the process of learning how a marriage works and finding what works for us as a couple. I am very excited to embark on this journey with him and learn more about him and myself in the process.
Until next time.